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Can I Take Vitamin C at Night?

Can I Take Vitamin C at Night?

With all the supplements on the market, it can be hard to know what to take, let alone when to take it. Vitamin C supplements are popular and a must-have in your medicine cabinet for immune support and other health benefits. But, when's the best time to take it? Can I take vitamin C at night?

Today's article will dive into vitamin C benefits, including for sleep, and offer suggestions for best practices when using vitamin C in your daily routine. Keep reading as we discuss:

  • Vitamin C benefits
  • Vitamin C and sleep
  • Can I take vitamin C at night?
  • Liposomal vitamin C

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin that humans must obtain regularly from their diet. It has many roles in the body, including antioxidant functions, and is crucial for:

Evidence suggests that vitamin C may also be beneficial for sleep. (Source 2)

"Evidence suggests that vitamin C may also be beneficial for sleep."

Vitamin C and Sleep

Vitamin C plays important physiological roles when awake and active and during sleep. During the day, free radicals accumulate from exercise, metabolism, and toxin exposures. During sleep, free radicals are removed as the body repairs and rejuvenates. Think about it this way: being awake causes oxidative stress, and sleep is an antioxidant. (Source 2)

"Think about it this way: being awake causes oxidative stress, and sleep is an antioxidant."

Sleep is critical for health, playing a significant role in all body systems including immunity, hormonal health, and the nervous system. An elevation in free radicals is linked to some sleep disorders, suggesting that antioxidants like vitamin C may be a crucial aspect of sleep health. (Source 2)

Research suggests decreased vitamin C levels are associated with short sleep duration and poor-quality sleep. It's important to note that many other factors influence sleep as well. Nonetheless, supplementing with vitamin C may be helpful in supporting both waking and sleeping hours. (Source 2)

"Research suggests decreased vitamin C levels are associated with short sleep duration and poor-quality sleep."

Can I Take Vitamin C at Night?

The short answer is yes. You can take vitamin C at night. However, you don't have to. You can safely take vitamin C at any time of day (or in divided doses), with or without food, depending on what feels best for your body.

If you prefer to take vitamin C at night, it's fine and won't interfere with sleep. In fact, it has the potential to benefit sleep. (Source 2)

"If you prefer to take vitamin C at night, it's fine and won't interfere with sleep. In fact, it has the potential to benefit sleep."

If you take other supplements or medications or have a medical condition, please check with your healthcare provider regarding dosage and timing questions.

Liposomal Vitamin C

Research suggests that the timing of vitamin C supplements doesn't matter much in gaining its benefits; what matters more is absorption and bioavailability. Typical vitamin C supplements are poorly absorbed and can cause digestive side effects, which makes taking therapeutic dosages challenging.

Core Med Science Liposomal Vitamin C - Softgels solve the poor absorption problem by encompassing vitamin C in a cell membrane-like liposome. This formulation improves absorption, bioavailability, and tolerance, even for those with sensitive stomachs who are prone to side effects.

Each three-capsule dose contains 1000 mg of high-quality vitamin C in a non-GMO sunflower-based phospholipid complex. Take the supplement any time of day or in the evening. You can also divide the dose throughout the day as desired. Because of its water-soluble nature, vitamin C works best when used daily. You can also increase the dose (and prioritize sleep) if you feel a cold coming on.

Liposomal vitamin C is a tried-and-true supplement for multiple health benefits. It's time to add sleep to the list! Unlike other sleep nutrients, vitamin C doesn't need to be taken right before bed. Take it anytime that works for you and receive the daytime and nighttime benefits.



  2. Otocka-Kmiecik, A., & Król, A. (2020). The Role of Vitamin C in Two Distinct Physiological States: Physical Activity and Sleep. Nutrients, 12(12), 3908. Full text:
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